Our Services

Bereavement Services
Bereavement occurs when someone passes away untimely. FIAWA has a contract with Bereavement Service provider at very cost-effectives rates. FiAWA’s bereavement services are led by Balli Singh and Firoz Pestonji.

Domestic Violence
Basic definition of domestic violence is a pattern of behaviour in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Most common form of domestic violence is physical abuse, which can include actions such as pushing, restraining, slapping/punching, kicking, scratching, etc. Emotional Abuse: Typically, emotional abuse begins verbally. Abusers use it as a tool to belittle and humiliate their victims. Their goal is to make their partner feel worthless. All cases are kept confidential unless the victim permits disclosure. FIAWA’s Domestic Violence Team is led by Sonal Bhushan and Balli Singh.

Hardship Support
Hardship to new migrants or existing Citizens can occur anytime and is a suffering, which is difficult to endure. It may be due to lack of knowledge, financial (e.g. loss of job), medical (due to ill health of a family member), legal (lack of justice by a service provider or any government department official) or family related (rejection). Individual hardship, if not supported, can lead to mental health problems and even suicide. FIAWA’s hardship support team includes Atul Garg and Eipe Chundamannil.